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Environment variables

Global and individual environment variables

You can set environment variables for your service at a global level, or at the individual handler level.

Global environment variables

You can set the global_environment_variables input to specify global environment variables:

module "simple_api" {
  source = "terrable-dev/terrable-api/aws"
  api_name = "my-api"
  global_environment_variables = {
    # will provide these variables to all handlers
    GLOBAL_ONE = "global-value"
  handlers = {
    TestHandler: {
        source = "./TestHandlerSource.ts"
        http = {
          GET = "/"

This will set the env var GLOBAL_ONE=global-value in all of your deployed handlers.


Remember, this is just Terraform! You can reference other resources and data sources in your environment variable declarations!

Try something like:

resource "aws_sqs_queue" "sqs_queue" {
  name = "my-sqs-queue"

module "simple_api" {
  source = "terrable-dev/terrable-api/aws"
  api_name = "my-api"
  global_environment_variables = {
    SQS_QUEUE_URL = aws_sqs_queue.sqs_queue.url
  handlers = {
    TestHandler: {
        source = "./TestHandlerSource.ts"
        http = {
          GET = "/"

To set a global SQS_QUEUE_URL variable that's set to the value of the Terraformed queue's URL.

Handler specific environment variables

You can set environment variables for individual handlers by passing an environment_variables value into your handler declarations:

module "simple_api" {
  source = "terrable-dev/terrable-api/aws"
  api_name = "my-api"
  handlers = {
    TestHandler: {
        environment_variables = {
          # will provide these variables to only 'TestHandSler'
          LOCAL_HANDLER_ONE = "local-value"
        source = "./TestHandlerSource.ts"
        http = {
          GET = "/"

This will set a LOCAL_HANDLER_ONE=local-value environment variable just for TestHandler. Any global variable declarations will be merged with any local ones.